Living Well with Robin Stoloff
As a former NBC affiliate Health Reporter and fitness competitor, I have had one lifelong mission - ”Empowering you to Live a Healthier Life.” Through my radio show, podcast, magazine column, and fitness classes, I am dedicated to helping you live longer, better, and happier. I bring you bite-sized healthy living tips and conversations with experts in nutrition, fitness, mental health, medicine, and more.
My entire life has been dedicated to helping others learn more and live better. As a fitness instructor, radio host, and health reporter for more than 30 years, I am blessed to do what I love - share important information for everyone to take steps to live a little listener at a time.
- Robin Stoloff
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
DIY SkinCare You Can Make at Home
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
If you are tired of expensive skincare products that don't do what they claim, it could be time to make your own with programs and workshops taught by Rachael Pontillo, a multi-disciplinary functional nutrition practitioner, AADP and IAHC Board Certified International Health Coach, licensed aesthetician, herbalist; and skincare formulator and educator. She shares her training and experience with you at
Rachael is a true expert when it comes to achieving and maintaining healthy, clear, vibrant skin, a natural way. Rachael’s passion for skincare developed after years of teenage trauma from being stared at by strangers, judged only on her looks, and told by her parents she’d “grow out of” her bad acne. Sadly, her breakouts persisted well into her thirties because her body didn’t respond to conventional products, fad diets, or generic adult advice or sympathy. When she realized that so many others had lived the same experience, she took matters into her own hands/ literally. Watch Rachael as she demonstrates and explains products we can all make in the comfort of our home on my YouTube channel .
When she changed her diet and began making her own organic skincare products, Rachael was able to reclaim the skin she was born with, and the self-esteem she thought she’d lost.
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
We spend more time planning a vacation or party than we do planning for issues affecting the end of life. What if you could not speak for yourself? Who would speak for you? What are your wishes? It is often something we don't want to discuss, but it is a true gift to your family. It is actually easier than you might think to prepare these documents. Dr. Christopher Bolich is AtlantiCare’s Medical Director, Palliative Care. He is board-certified in internal medicine and hospice and palliative medicine by the American College of Osteopathic Internists. Palliative medicine is focused on improving life and providing comfort to those with serious illnesses. Although often associated with end-of-life care, it is appropriate at other times, too – whenever disease and its treatment cause major disruptions in the quality of life. Take ten minutes of your day to learn more about this important topic.
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Protect Yourself From Cyber Attacks - Cyber Security Expert Pete Canavan
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Since the beginning of the pandemic, more people are online shopping, banking, and doing business. That is good news for hackers and cyber thieves who are always developing new and creative ways to steal from us. Pete Canavan is a cyber security expert and host of the podcast Safety Talk. He tells us how to fight back with some simple steps to protect ourselves online.
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Becoming a Better Man with Mike Forrester - Men‘s Life Coach
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Growing up in a toxic environment, Mike Forrester struggled to be the man he knew he could be to his wife and children. Once he began to be honest with himself, he found a path toward change to become a better person. Today, he coaches other men to overcome adversities in their personal life and career. He hosts his own podcast, Living Fearless Today, taking with men who have triumphed over their challenges.
He works to disprove the lie that you are the only one who's going through this situation. He believes that "men have more in common in our journey than you might want to believe." He shares his story with us.
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Avoid Holiday Weight Gain and Eat Better Today
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
It is no fun to step on the scale at the end of the holiday season to find that you have gained five pounds. Your pants are tight, you feel sluggish and you wish you could rewind the clock to have a chance to make better choices. You have that chance right now...Registered Dietician, Courtney McCormick, of Nutrisystem explains how to use mindfulness to eat healthier over the holidays and for life.
Eating healthier is less about dieting and more about mindset. How do we get that mindset? Courtney offers positive action steps to build SMART goals.
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
How is your relationship with food? Is it complicated? It is stressful? New York Therapist Rachelle Heinemann explores the spectrum of disordered eating and says many of us fall somewhere on it. However, she says "You can learn to accept your body. Life can and will be so much more. Imagine all the brain space and energy you will free up. "Imagine all the dreams you can chase."
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Podcast Host and Life Coach, Michelle Newman created “The New Mid” as a safe place to explore the transitions women are going through in mid-life. We are healthier, living longer, and challenging the norms of mid-life. We are heading into a transition, but not the stereotypical one. If you have been wondering what’s next or is this it, she will guide you to take action in your life. Whether coaching one-on-one or in her The New Mid Academy, Michelle will help you navigate the ups and downs. In this episode, we explore possibilities and discuss what's next in the second half of life!
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
The HERO Campaign for Designated Drivers - 21 Years of Saving Lives
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
After his 22-year old son, John lost his life in July of 2000 in an auto accident with a drunk driver, his father Bill Elliott pledged to prevent this tragedy from happening to another family. Ensign John Elliott had recently graduated from The Naval Academy, where he had been named the Hero of the Year, an acronym standing for Human Education Resource Officer, or peer advocate for his fellow shipmates. That year, he and his family founded the John R. Elliot Hero Campaign for Designated Drivers. At the heart of The HERO Campaign is a simple premise: Be a HERO. Be a Designated Driver. Designated drivers are the true HEROES, helping to keep us all safe. They partner with high schools and colleges, bars and taverns, professional sports teams, and even help to shape drunk driving laws. They have inspired more than 100,000 people to take the HERO pledge. Here is the story behind the amazing courage and strength of the Elliott family and the HERO Campaign.
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Crush College Stress with Yale Graduate and College Mentor Dale Troy
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
All parents worry about their children in college. Today, students on college campuses feel more stressed than in the past, which means parents are even more concerned. Students are reporting higher levels of anxiety and depression every year, and the dropout rate for freshmen is 30%. What can you do to help your college student? You can make sure they have habits, skills, and tools to help them perform well academically, make good choices, and feel empowered rather than overwhelmed. As a health coach, Yale graduate, and a mom of 3 college graduates, Dale Troy teaches students how to navigate the transition from high school to college, so they can feel more in control and succeed. In her program Crush College Stress, Dale works one on one with students in virtual meetings to help them do well academically, have a positive social experience, and maintain physical and emotional health.
As a health coach, Yale graduate, and a mom of 3 college graduates, Dale Troy teaches students how to navigate the transition from high school to college, so they can feel more in control and succeed. In her program Crush College Stress, Dale works one on one with students in virtual meetings to help them do well academically, have a positive social experience, and maintain physical and emotional health. Together, she works with the students to enable them to manage college stress and have a successful college experience. Learn her five-step approach in this episode of Living Well with Robin Stoloff.
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Most people who have had COVID-19 recover within a few weeks. But some people, even those who had mild symptoms of the disease, continue to experience problems after their initial recovery. It has been called post-COVID-19 long haul syndrome or long COVID-19. Older people and people with many serious medical conditions are the most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms, but even young, healthy people can feel the effects for weeks to months after infection. Common signs and symptoms that linger over time include fatigue, joint pain, headaches, loss of smell or taste, and dizziness to name a few. It can also damage organs such as the heart and lungs. Mary Ann Yehl, D.O., is a board-certified family medicine physician and Medical Director of AtlantiCare Telemedicine and Ambulatory Quality Care. She discusses their new COVID Long Haul Clinic and their interdisciplinary approach. If you or someone you know has long COVID, don't miss this episode.